Metodoloji ve kavram inşası/kullanımı (1-2. haftalar)
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Neoliberalizm (3-4. haftalar)
1. Venugopal, R. (2015). Neoliberalism as concept. Economy and society, 44(2), 165-187.
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Radikalizm vs. aşırıcılık (5-6. haftalar)
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Radikal sağ vs. radikal sol (7-8. haftalar)
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Aşırı sağ vs. aşırı sol (9-10. haftalar)
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Popülizm (11-12. haftalar)
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Popülist sol vs. popülizm sağ hareketler/partiler (13. hafta)
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Radikal toplumsal hareketler (14. hafta)
1. Bittner, E. (1963). Radicalism and the organization of radical movements. American Sociological Review, 928-940
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7. Rydgren, J. (2007). The sociology of the radical right. Annu. Rev. Sociol., 33, 241-262.
8. Hutter, S., & Kriesi, H. (2013). Movements of the left, movements of the right reconsidered. The future of social movement research: Dynamics, mechanisms, and processes, 24, 281-298.